А wide range of warm shades from white, through yellow, orange, from thread red to earth brown.
Opera incerta – piastrelle grandi, naturali, per pavimento a 2 сm da 4 сm, e per rivestimento – opera incerta a 1 сm da 2 сm.
Address: 7700 Targovishte, Bulgaria 43 Mitropolit Andrey Blvd.
Email: office@thepointstone.com
Address: 7700 Targovishte, Bulgaria, Vasil Levski
Ivan Ivanov
Mobile: +359 878 155 250
Email: ivanov@thepointstone.com
Sales Director
eng. Zornitsa Ivanova
Mobile: +359 878 155 234
Email: z.ivanova@thepointstone.com